Клуб айкидо "Хоккексэй"

22 августа 2017 года professor Lyudmila V. Sharova, edited by Olga A.Panchenko
Results of the regional interuniversity scientific-practical conference «Possibilities of applying IT technologies to improve the quality of higher education»

Regional interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Possibilities of applying IT technologies to improve the quality of higher education" was held on June 30th 2016 on the base Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University (PSHPU). The conference initiator was the head of the research and development group "KIWAMI" Olga A. Panchenko. The conference took place under the direct supervision of professor Lyudmila V. Sharova and has become another milestone in the development of a new direction in the educational process automation.

The conference was attended by managers and employees of profile departments, employees of research centers, doctors, representative of fitness clubs, trainers, instructors-methodologists on adaptive and therapeutic physical culture, teachers of higher and secondary vocational education, schools teachers and teachers of pre-school adaptive educational institutions, postgraduate student and PhDs, government departments and local government representatives, public organizations and associations representatives that carry out their activities in the land of physical culture and sports, sportsman and students. 25 people in total, includes 5 Doctors of Sciences, professors, 4 PhDs and 8 masters of Sport.

Participants of the conference were greeted:

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs PSHPU, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Konstantin B. Egorov;

Head of Department of Physical Education PSHPU, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena V. Starkova;

Head of the research and development group "KIWAMI", leader of aikido club "Hokkyokusei" PSHPU Olga A. Panchenko;

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Childrens Traumatologist-Orthopedist of the Perm Region Ministry of Health, Head of Regional Department of Childrens Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Perm State Childrens Clinical Hospital №15, professor of Department of Adaptive and Therapeutic Physical Training (ATPT) PSHPU, USSR master of Sport of sambo and judo Nikolay M. Belokrylov;

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD in Psychological Sciences, professor of Department of Sport Disciplines and Department of Practical Psychology PSHPU Vladimir V. Markelov;

Professor and Head of Department of Physical Culture of Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Doctor of Sociological Sciences Valery D. Panachev;

President of the Russian Martial Arts Union Regional Office, Director of Perm karate school "Kyokushinkai" Yuri A. Artyushkov;

The conference was started by Professor and Head of Department of ATPT PSHPU, Doctor of Biological Sciences Lyudmila V. Sharova

Purpose of the Conference: Define developments new vector of modern education in the field of improving the quality of the educational process with the help of computer applications and software products for numerical assessment and self-evaluation of acquired skills (both professional and universal).

Involvement of representatives of science and practice to search for effective solutions in the field of problems of mastering the universal skills of students, physical culture and sports, adaptive and therapeutic physical culture, establishing scientific ties between scientists, exchanging scientific and practical achievements, discussing the possibilities of introducing research results into real practice with point of view of Japanese martial arts and modern Russian technologies.

18 people made report. 8 people took part in discussion.

Participants of the conference noted that on the basis of reports and discussions were developed and proposed:

  • factors of new requirements formation to the quality of higher education (Olga A. Panchenko);
  • methodology of assessment and correction of the body in athletes engaged in judo with usage of bioinformational technologies (Lyudmila V. Sharova; PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of ATPT Arkady V. Sharov);
  • system determination of the competitive activities reliability in judo and sambo (Vladimir V. Markelov);
  • treatment forecast and prevention in case of shoulder injury in judo athletes (Nikolay M. Belokrylov);
  • universal warm-ups in martial arts (Valery D. Panachev; Associate Professor of Department of Physical Culture PNRPU Anatoly A. Opletin).

    With reference to the research problem are presented:

  • analysis of the quality of movements in aikido in real time using the application for mobile devices "WAmetr" and features of attracting investments using electronic platforms (сrowdfunding);

  • a review of technical support and software products in the world for assessing the quality of movements and its potential applications in aikido;

  • trends in the development of databases to analysis optimization of aikido techniques in real time;

  • innovative image recognition algorithms for the movements analysis of aikidoists in real time using the application for mobile devices «WAmetr»;

  • neuroevolutionary systems in the modeling of aikido techniques;

  • ways of the design and algorithms optimization for controlling android type robots for the possibility of their application in martial arts and medicine;

  • recovery of the musculoskeletal system with the help of modern technical means.

    Practical use areas taken from the results were determined for:

  • trainers - teachers in the training process not only in aikido but also in other types of Japanese martial arts that train a sports reserve in secondary and higher education institutions and professional development of trainers-teachers;

  • schoolchildren, matriculants, students, athletes, as well as people undergoing treatment and rehabilitation to assess the correctness of motor, professional and universal skills development.

    A master class and demonstration "Demonstration of universal skills training opportunities with the help of aikido techniques" was held by the leader of aikido club "Hokkyokusei" Olga A. Panchenko at a high technical and professional level.

    The goals and objectives of the Regional interuniversity scientific-practical conference «Possibilities of applying IT technologies to improve the quality of higher education» that was held on the base Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University were fulfilled.

    Theses of speeches and reports (photo report)

    Редактирование: Ольга Андреевна Панченко
    Фото: участников конференции

    Video club aikido «Hokkyokusei»

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